If you already have ten victims, it awards an extra life. The game awards an 'extra bonus victim' whenever your score reaches a multiple of 40,000 points. But if you lose victims, you can get them back over time. If your 'victims alive' count reaches zero, it's an automatic game over. If a monster touches a victim, the victim dies.
You start with ten victims, and your job is to save all of them, and then exit the level and move on to the next one, obviously. This is a 10 Victims Saved run, which is this game's equivalent of a 100% run. I'm getting seventy-five dollars from Twin Galaxies for this run. Timing note: the run was timed based on an earlier (crappier) capture from a different VCR, so it actually times slightly faster now, but the old time is left. Available in three versions: low quality, normal quality, and 60 fps high quality. Single-segment speed run of Zombies Ate My Neighbors ending with all 10 Victims saved, done on December 18 2004.